Meet the Wild Bunch.

These aren't your average party animals; they're the extraordinary creatures that make our parties wildly unforgettable! Not a single one is a party pooper. Though, they have been known to poop on occasion.

  • Bunnies

    Oryctolagus Cuniculus
    They always get the party hopping!

  • Bearded Dragons

    The charming rock stars of the reptile world!

  • Gerbils

    Meriones Unguiculatus
    Pocket-sized furballs with big personalities!

  • Geckos

    No one sticks to it like these little daredevils!

  • Frogs

    Don’t bounce without hanging with these guys!

  • Guinea Pigs

    Cavia Porcellus
    Fluffiness unleashed! The curators of cuddles.

  • Blue-Tongued Skinks

    Tiliqua Scincoides
    Tongues as flashy as their personalities!

  • Madagascar Hissing Roaches

    Gromphadorhina Portentosa
    Making roaches cool since before humans (and probably after)!